A Pebble in the Pond is on Rotten Tomatoes

We’re very proud to share that we have 3 official Rotten Tomatoes reviews for A Pebble in the Pond, all very positive, with more to come! Thanks to everyone supporting our joyful film! Visit Rotten Tomatoes to read all A Pebble in the Pond’s reviews here!...

Check out our film’s review on Documentary Drive

“The message behind “A Pebble in the Pond” is that we each have the ability to make a difference. Individual actions can lead to tremendously great outcomes. Informative and uplifting, “A Pebble in the Pond” is victorious in restoring one’s faith that goodness...


We’re excited to share that the DVD version of our film is now available for PRE ORDER at AMAZON or MOVIE ZYNG with many other places being added soon including Walmart and Barnes & Noble. We’re so excited about all the ripples we’ll create, now...

We’re on Twitter!

A Pebble in the Pond now has it’s very own twitter! We hope you’ll follow us there and continue to help us create ripples! Thanks to everyone renting, buying, and sharing our film!! We appreciate you!! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER HERE!